2020 Saw Increase in Bicycle Crash Cases

Happy New Year everyone!

As a Los Angeles car and bicycle accident attorney, I wanted to fill you in on a trend my office noticed in 2020. Last year, my office signed up over 30% more bicycle accident cases than we did in 2019. I believe there are a few reasons for this significant increase.

First and foremost, the pandemic. I don’t have to tell you that since March of 2020, when COVID-19 began to rear its ugly head, everyone in the State of California has been affected by shelter in place and stay-at-home orders. Bicyclists have taken advantage of less traffic and cars on the road, leading to an unfortunate increase in collisions.

Another reason may be due to decaying infrastructure, especially here in Los Angeles. Solo bike crashes increased as a result of potholes and other roadway defects on the streets of Los Angeles. I’ve discussed that issue here. Make no mistake: solo bike crashes can result in devastating injuries.

We are seeing a resurgence of spring-like weather now in Los Angeles and Southern California. Many Angelenos will be taking advantage of the warmer weather. Others will hop on their bicycles to make a momentary escape from the pressures and stresses of working from home and COVID-19. Whatever the case may be, if you’re a driver, remember to share the road with our friends on bicycles. Every lane can be a bike lane, and in California it is illegal to pass a bicyclist unless there is a minimum of three feet of clearance between the car and the bike.

Bicyclists should remember to follow the rules of the road. This means stop at stop signs, and DON’T RUN RED LIGHTS!! One might think he or she can out-pedal an oncoming car, but don’t chance it. When it’s car versus bike, car always wins.

Another important point to remember is to be careful when opening your car doors! My office has represented injured bicyclists who were “doored” by inattentive drivers. There is even a California Vehicle Code rule governing how and when a driver can open his or her door. A bicyclist getting knocked off his or her bike by an opening car door can cause miserable injuries.

A number of my bicycle crash cases in 2020 involved children. If you are a parent of a child who regularly cycles or bicycles to and from school on his/her bicycle, please talk to your child about bicycle safety and safe practices. And remember, in California, all bicyclists under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet.

Wishing everyone safe riding and a prosperous New Year. For questions about your Los Angeles bicycle accident crash case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist, 24/6.


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